Sunday 12 February 2017

Focus on the following areas for System Testing:

·         Authorization:  Whether user is valid or not to login to application
·         Access Control:  Whether a valid user have permission to access specific service
·         Audit Trail:  Maintains metadata about user operation in our application
·         Continuity of Processing: Inter-process communication
·         Correctness:  Meet client requirement in terms of functionality
·         Coupling:  Co-existence with other existence software to share resources
·         Ease of Use:  User Friendliness of the application visibility
·         Ease of Operator:  Installation, Un-installations, Dumping, Uploading, Downloading, etc.,
·         File Integrity:  Creation of backup
·         Reliability: Recover from abnormal state
·         Performance:  Speed of processing
·         Portable:  Run on different platforms
·         Service levels:  Order of functionalities

·         Maintainable: Whether our application build is long

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