Wednesday 20 November 2013

ALM 11.5 User Course Content

Part 1: ALM Basics
Chapter 1: ALM Introduction
HP ALM Overview
Application Lifecycle Management Roadmap
Chapter 2: ALM at a Glance
The ALM Window
ALM Projects
User Privileges
Project History Management
Data Import from Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel
Data Import from Word
Data Import from Excel
How to Start ALM
How to Reset Your Password
How to View Administrator Messages
ALM Common User Interface
ALM Common Areas
ALM Fields
ALM Icons
User Properties Page
Clear History Dialog Box
Task Manager Dialog Box
Send Error Details Dialog Box
Chapter 3: ALM Common Functionality
ALM Common Functionality Overview
How to Display ALM Data
Work with Complex Filters - Use-Case Scenario
How to Modify Attachments
How to Search and Replace ALM Data
ALM Common Functionality User Interface
Filter Dialog Box
Select Filter Condition Dialog Box
Users List Dialog Box
Find Dialog Box
Replace Dialog Box
Text Search Pane
History Tab
Send E-mail Dialog Box
Attachments Page
Snapshot Dialog Box
Select Columns/Select Fields Dialog Box
Update Selected Dialog Box
Set Default Values Dialog Box
Chapter 4: Alerts and Flags
Alerts Overview
Follow Up Flags Overview
How to Use Alerts
How to Work with Alerts - Use-Case Scenario
Alerts and Flags User Interface
Alerts Dialog Box
ALM Icons
User Properties Page
Clear History Dialog Box
Task Manager Dialog Box
Send Error Details Dialog Box
Chapter 3: ALM Common Functionality
ALM Common Functionality Overview
How to Display ALM Data
Work with Complex Filters - Use-Case Scenario
How to Modify Attachments
How to Search and Replace ALM Data
ALM Common Functionality User Interface
Filter Dialog Box
Select Filter Condition Dialog Box
Users List Dialog Box
Find Dialog Box
Replace Dialog Box
Text Search Pane
History Tab
Send E-mail Dialog Box
Attachments Page
Snapshot Dialog Box
Select Columns/Select Fields Dialog Box
Update Selected Dialog Box
Set Default Values Dialog Box
Chapter 4: Alerts and Flags
Alerts Overview
Follow Up Flags Overview
How to Use Alerts
How to Work with Alerts - Use-Case Scenario
Alerts and Flags User Interface
Alerts Dialog Box
Business Components Module Shortcuts
Test Plan Module Shortcuts
Test Lab Module Shortcuts
Manual Runner Shortcuts
Defects Module Shortcuts
Dashboard Shortcuts
Part 2: Management
Chapter 9: Releases and Cycles
Releases and Cycles Overview
How to Use Releases and Cycles in ALM
Work with Releases and Cycles - Use-Case Scenario
Releases and Cycles User Interface
Releases Module Window
Releases Module Menus and Buttons
Releases Module Icons
Releases Module Fields
New Release/Release Details Dialog Box
New Cycle/Cycle Details Dialog Box
Progress Tab
Quality Tab
Configure Outstanding Defects Dialog Box
Select Cycles Dialog Box
Select Releases Dialog Box
Reschedule Release/Cycle/Milestone Dialog Box
Chapter 10: Project Planning and Tracking (PPT) Releases
PPT Releases Overview
How to Work with PPT
How to Work with PPT - Use-Case Scenario
KPI Types
Defect Content Included in PPT Release Scope Items
PPT User Interface
PPT Fields
Release Scope Tab
New Scope Item/Scope Item Details Dialog Box
New Milestone Dialog Box
Milestone Scope Tab
KPIs Tab
New KPI/KPI Details Dialog Box
Thresholds Page
New Threshold Value Dialog Box
Master Plan Tab
Milestone Details Dialog Box
Scorecard Tab
KPI Drill Down Graph
KPI Drill Down Results Dialog Box
Breakdown Over Time Graph
Scorecard Layout Dialog Box
New Release From Template Dialog Box
Chapter 11: Libraries and Baselines
Libraries Overview
Baselines Overview
Pinned Test Sets
How to Use Libraries and Baselines in ALM
Libraries and Baselines User Interface
Libraries Module Window
Libraries Module Menus and Buttons
Libraries Module Icons
Libraries Module Fields
New Library/Library Details Dialog Box
Content Tab
Create Baseline Wizard
Baseline Verification Page
New Baseline Page
Compare Baselines Tool Dialog Box
Compare Entities Dialog Box
Comparison Settings Dialog Box
Baselines Tab
Select Baselines Dialog Box
Chapter 12: Imported Libraries
Imported Libraries Overview
Library Synchronization Overview
Library Verification
How to Share Libraries
Imported Libraries User Interface
Import Library Wizard
Select a Baseline Page
Library Verification Page
Select Target Root Folders Page
Imported By Tab
Imported From Tab
Compare Libraries Tool Dialog Box
Library Verification Dialog Box
Troubleshooting and Limitations
Part 3: Requirements
Chapter 13: Introducing Requirements
Requirements Overview
How to Use Requirements in ALM
Chapter 14: Requirements Specification
Requirements Specification Overview
How to Create Requirements
How to Create Requirements - Use-Case Scenario
Requirements User Interface
Requirements Module Window
Requirements Module Menus and Buttons
Requirements Module Icons
Requirements Module Fields
Requirement Details Page
New Requirement Dialog Box
Convert to Tests Wizard
Select Automatic Conversion Method Page
Manual Change Conversion Page
Select Destination Path Page
Chapter 15: Requirements Traceability
Requirements Traceability Overview
How to Trace Requirements
How to Trace Requirements - Use-Case Scenario
Requirements Traceability User Interface
Relationships Tab
Impact Analysis Tab
Chapter 16: Traceability Matrix
Traceability Matrix Overview
How to Use the Traceability Matrix
How to Use the Traceability Matrix - Use-Case Scenario
Traceability Matrix User Interface
Traceability Matrix View
Configure Traceability Matrix Wizard
Define Source Requirements Page
Filter By Linked Requirements Page
Filter By Linked Tests Page
Chapter 17: Risk-Based Quality Management
Risk-Based Quality Management Overview
How to Assess Risk
How to Assess Risk - Use-Case Scenario
Risk-Based Quality Management User Interface
Risk Assessment Tab
Risk Analysis Tab
Generate Report Dialog Box
Chapter 18: Business Process Models
Business Process Models Overview
Business Process Models File Import
Re-importing models
Business Process Model Paths
How to Work with Business Process Models
Link Requirements and Tests to Model Entities
Business Models Module User Interface
Business Models Module Window
Model Analysis View
Business Models Module Menus and Buttons
Business Models Module Icons
Business Models Module Fields
Import Models Dialog Box
Map Imported Attributes to User Fields Dialog Box
Model Details/Model Activity Details Dialog Box
New Model Path/Model Path Details Dialog Box
Linkage Tab
Requirements Tree and Test Plan Tree Pane
Represented Items Tab
Part 4: Lab Resources
Chapter 19: Introducing Lab Resources
Lab Resources Overview
How to Use Lab Resources in ALM
Chapter 20: Testing Hosts
Testing Hosts Overview
Chapter 21: AUT Environments
AUT Environments Overview
Link AUT Environments to CDA
How to Work with AUT Environments
Work with AUT Environments - Use-Case Scenario
AUT Environments User Interface
AUT Environments Module Window
AUT Environments Module Menus and Buttons
AUT Environments Module Fields
AUT Environments Module Icons
AUT Environment Details Dialog Box
New AUT Environment Dialog Box
AUT Environment Configuration Details Dialog Box
New AUT Environment Configuration Dialog Box
New AUT Parameter Dialog Box
AUT Parameter Details Dialog Box
Link to CDA Dialog Box
Part 5: Test Plan
Chapter 22: Introducing Test Planning
Test Plan Overview
How should you test your application?
What resources do you require?
How to Plan Tests in ALM
Chapter 23: Test Plan Specification
Test Plan Specification Overview
How to Create Tests
Test Types
Test Plan User Interface
Test Plan Module Window
Test Plan Module Menus and Buttons
Test Plan Module Icons
Test Plan Module Fields
Test Details Dialog Box
New Test Dialog Box
Sort Folders in Test Plan Tree Dialog Box
Paste Tests/Folders to Target Project Dialog Box
Chapter 24: Requirement and Test Coverage
Requirement and Test Coverage Overview
How to Create Coverage
How to Create Coverage - Use-Case Scenario
Requirement and Test Coverage User Interface
Coverage Analysis View
Req Coverage Tab
Add Configuration Coverage Dialog Box
Add Advanced Coverage Dialog Box
Business Models Linkage Tab
Test Coverage Page
Analysis Settings Dialog Box
Coverage Analysis Dialog Box
Add Criterion Coverage Dialog Box
Chapter 25: Test Parameters
Test Parameters Overview
How to Use Test Parameters
Test Parameters User Interface
Parameters Tab/Parameters Dialog Box
New Test Parameter/Test Parameter Details Dialog Box
Called Test Parameters/Parameters of Test Dialog Box
Chapter 26: Test Design
Test Design Overview
Test Automation
How to Design Test Steps
Design Steps User Interface
Design Steps Tab/Design Step Details Dialog Box
Test Script Tab
Select Test Dialog Box
Paste Design Steps to Target Project Dialog Box
Criteria Tab
Chapter 27: Test Configurations
Test Configurations Overview
How to Work with Test Configurations
How to Work with Test Configurations - Use-Case Scenario
Test Configurations User Interface
Test Configurations Tab
New Test Configuration/Test Configuration Details Dialog Box
Data Tab
Test Configuration Settings Tab
Test Configurations Pane
Test Configuration Status Tab
Generate Test Configuration Dialog Box
Chapter 28: System Tests
System Tests Overview
How to Create System Tests
System Test User Interface
Test Script Tab - System Tests
Chapter 29: Test Resources
Test Resources Overview
Entity Dependencies Overview
How to Use Test Resources
Test Resources User Interface
Test Resources Module Window
Test Resources Module Menus and Buttons
Test Resources Module Icons
Test Resources Module Fields
Resource Viewer Tab
Application Area Viewer Tab
Dependencies Tab
New Resource/Resource Details Dialog Box
Paste Resources To Target Project Dialog Box
Chapter 30: VAPI-XP Tests
VAPI-XP Tests Overview
How to Create VAPI-XP Test Scripts
How to Edit VAPI-XP Test Scripts
Additional Editing Functions
How to Use AUT Environments with VAPI-XP
How to Use the VAPI-XP API
Using the TDHelper Object
Using the TDInput Object
Using the TDOutput Object
Using the XTools Object
How to Run VAPI-XP Tests in Debug Mode
How to Run VAPI-XP Tests in Test Mode
How to Debug VAPI-XP Tests Scripts Test Mode
VAPI-XP User Interface
Test Script Tab
Part 6: Test Lab
Chapter 31: Introducing Test Execution
Test Execution Overview
Draft Runs
How to Run Tests in ALM
How to Work with Draft Runs
Deploying and Testing your Application in ALM
The Test Lab Module User Interface
Test Lab Module Window
Test Lab Module Menus and Buttons
Test Lab Module Icons
Test Lab Module Fields
Chapter 32: Test Set Specification
Test Set Specification Overview
How to Create Test Sets
Test Sets User Interface
Execution Grid Tab
Select Testing Host Dialog Box
Test Instance Details Dialog Box
Test Instance Details - Runs View
Test Instance Details - Execution Settings View
Requested Hosts Tab
Automation Tab
New Test Set Dialog Box
Select Tests Pane
Test Set Details Dialog Box
On Test Failure Dialog Box
Paste Test Set Folders To Target Project Dialog Box
Chapter 33: Test Run Schedules
Test Run Schedules Overview
How to Schedule Test Runs
Test Run Schedules User Interface
Execution Flow Tab
Execution Condition Page
Time Dependency Page
Chapter 34: Functional Test Execution
Functional Test Execution Overview
How to Run Functional Tests
Functional Test Execution User Interface
Run <Entity> Dialog Box
Suggested Duration Dialog Box
Execution Report Page
Chapter 35: Default Test Execution
Default Test Execution Overview
Manual Test Execution
Manual Test Execution Overview
HP Sprinter Overview
How to Run Tests Manually
Manual Test Execution User Interface
Manual Test Run Dialog Box
Manual Runner Wizard
Manual Runner: Run Details Page
Manual Runner: Step Details Page
Automatic Test Execution
Automatic Test Execution Overview
Unified Functional Testing (UFT) GUI Test Execution
How to Run Tests Automatically
Automatic Test Execution User Interface
Automatic Runner Dialog Box
Host Manager Dialog Box (for Default test sets only)
Order Test Instances Dialog Box
Execution Log Dialog Box
Chapter 36: Test Results
Test Results Overview
How to View Test Results
Test Results User Interface
Test Runs Module Window
Test Runs Module Menus and Buttons
Run Details Dialog Box
Run Step Details Dialog Box
Test Set/BVS Run Details Dialog Box
Purge Runs Wizard
Select Test Sets to Purge Page
Choose Type of Purge Page
Confirm Purge Request Page
Part 7: Timeslots
Chapter 37: Reserving Timeslots
Reserving Timeslots Overview
Types of Timeslot Reservations
Automatic Timeslots
Best Practices for Reserving Automatic Timeslots
Prolonging Performance Test Timeslot Reservations
Modifying Timeslot Reservations
Understanding Timeslot Failure
Host Allocation
Example of Allocating and Reshuffling Hosts
How to Reserve Testing Timeslots in ALM
How to Reserve Maintenance Timeslots (Lab Management only)
Reserving Timeslots User Interface
Timeslots Module Window
Timeslots Module Menus and Buttons
Timeslots Module Fields
Timeslots Module Icons
Timeslot Reservation Dialog Box
Timeslot Reservation: Maintenance Dialog Box (Lab Management Only)
Timeslot Reservation: Data Processing Dialog Box
Select Controller Dialog Box
Select Automatch Load Generators/Edit Hosts Dialog Box
Select Specific Load Generators/Hosts Dialog Box
Add Specific Host(s) Dialog Box
Time Zone Options Dialog Box
Part 8: Build Verification
Chapter 38: Build Verification Suites
Build Verification Overview
How to Work with Build Verification Suites in ALM
Build Verification User Interface
Build Verification Module Window
Build Verification Module Menus and Buttons
Build Verification Module Icons
Build Verification Module Fields
Functional Test Sets Tab
Performance Test Tab
Build Verification Suite Details Dialog Box
New Build Verification Suite Dialog Box
Build Verification Suite Test Set Details Dialog Box
Test Sets Tree Pane
Part 9: Defects
Chapter 39: Defect Tracking
Defect Tracking Overview
Defect Linkage
How to Track Defects in ALM
Track Defects - Use-Case Scenario
How to Search for Defects
How to Link Defects
Defect User Interface
Defects Module Window
Defects Module Menus and Buttons
Defects Module Icons
Defects Module Fields
New Defect Dialog Box
Defect Details Dialog Box
Similar Defects Dialog Box/Pane
Linked Defects/Entities Page
Defects to Link Dialog Box
Select Requirements Dialog Box
Part 10: Analysis
Chapter 40: Introducing Analysis
Analysis Overview
How to Analyze Data in ALM
Dashboard User Interface
Analysis View Window
Dashboard View Window
Analysis View Menus and Buttons
Dashboard View Menus and Buttons
Dashboard Icons
Details Tab
Share Analysis Item Dialog Box
Chapter 41: Graphs and Dashboard Pages
Graphs and Dashboard Pages Overview
Business View Graphs Overview
How to Generate a Graph
How to Generate a Dashboard Page
Entity Graph Types
Graphs and Dashboard Pages User Interface
Configuration Tab/Window - Graphs
View Tab - Graphs/Graph Window
Configuration Tab - Dashboard Pages
View Tab – Dashboard Pages
Graph Wizard
Select Graph Type Page
Select Business View Page
Select Entity Type Page
Select Projects Page
Select Test Set Option
Select Filter Page
Select Graph Attributes Page
Select Coverage Page
New Graph Dialog Box
Select Business View Dialog Box
New Dashboard Page Dialog Box
Select Projects Dialog Box
Edit <Type> Categories Dialog Box
Graph Appearance Dialog Box
Drill Down Results Dialog Box
Chapter 42: Project Planning and Tracking (PPT) Graphs
PPT Graphs Overview
How to Generate a PPT Graph
PPT Graphs User Interface
Configuration Tab - PPT Graphs
View Tab - PPT Graphs
Chapter 43: Project Reports
Project Reports Overview
How to Create Project Reports
How to Create a Custom Report Template
Predefined Project Reports
Project Reports User Interface
Configuration Tab - Project Reports
New Project Report Dialog Box
Add Report Section Dialog Box
Edit Document Template Field Values Dialog Box
Chapter 44: Excel Reports
Excel Reports Overview
Protecting the Database
Parameters in SQL Queries
Guidelines for Creating a Post-Processing Script
How to Generate an Excel Report
Excel Reports User Interface
Configuration Tab - Excel Reports
Query Tab
Excel Report Query Builder Dialog Box
Post-processing Tab
Generation Settings Tab
New Excel Report Dialog Box
New Query Parameter/Edit Query Parameter Dialog Box
Chapter 45: Business View Excel Reports
Business View Excel Reports Overview
How to Generate a Business View Excel Report
Business Views Excel Reports User Interface
Configuration Tab - Business View Excel Reports
Chapter 46: Standard Reports
Standard Reports Overview
How to Manage Standard Reports
Available Sub-reports
Standard Reports User Interface
Configuration Tab – Standard Reports
View Tab – Standard Reports
Chapter 47: Live Analysis Graphs
Live Analysis Graphs Overview
How to Generate Live Analysis Graphs
Live Analysis Graphs User Interface
Live Analysis Tab
Live Analysis Graph Wizard
Select Graph Type Page
Select Graph Attributes Page
Chapter 48: Project Documents
Project Documents Overview
How to Generate a Project Document
Document Generator User Interface
Document Generator Window
Document Generator Tree
Document Page
Requirements Page
Business Components Page
Subject Tree Page
Subject Tests Page
Test List Page
Test Lab Page
Test Sets Page
Tests Page
Runs Page
Defects Page
Organize Favorites Dialog Box

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