Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Selenum now supporting to test windows based applications with the help of winappDriver

WinAppDriver: WinAppDriver (short for Windows Application Driver) is a free test automation tool for Windows desktop apps developed by Microsoft. It can run as a standalone as well as a plugin for Appium. Thus, if you are already running Appium’s server, then a request for Win10 app automation will launch WinAppDriver.exe.


It’s developed by Microsoft (which in itself is awesome!), and it makes perfect sense to test Windows desktop apps using a tool from the same company.

It uses WebDriver protocol which means that if you’re from the web/mobile automation world and you already know how to develop using the WebDriver environment, then the transition to WinAppDriver will be easy, quick and clear for you.


WinAppDriver is a free tool, yet currently its code is not open source. Samples, tests and related tools are open source, and it’s mentioned that they are considering the option to open source the WinAppDrive code.

Bottom Line:  A fast-growing tool that will that will provide you with better support for using Appium to test Windows apps.