Thursday, 23 May 2013

Why QTP 10 identiy IE as window,not browser.

You have to enable "Enable third-party browser extensions" (Advanced tab) in Internet Options alt least.
Disable also "Auto Complete for" (Content tab) options.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Ten Challenges Faced by Software Testing Engineers while working with QTP

1. QTP can only Run on Microsoft Windows OS. Support for other operating systems is not yet supported. Hence, it is not possible to do cross platform testing with Quick Test Professional.

2. QTP can not recognize objects running on remote machines. Hence, it is not possible for QTP to automate applications running on remote machines. Also, QTP can not automate applications invoked through Citrix. The possible workaround is install QTP on the Citrix server and then launching QTP and the application might help.

3. Reporting facility and Error handling in QTP can be considerably improved. 

4. QTP has very limited support for C++ applications.

5. The application to be tested/automated has to be opened after opening QTP as internally QTP can hook with the application only when the application is opened after launching QTP.

6. QTP supports only one scripting language which is Vb Script which has several limitations. Had there been a choice of language to automate just like it is in Selenium, it would be have been very useful.

7. QTP performance degrades if the Object repository size is quite huge. It takes time to open a test with huge QTP object repository. Same goes for QTP Actions. Using too many actions in QTP decreases QTP's performance. 

8. QTP Scripts dont work on locked machines. 

9. QTP supports Internet Explorer, Firefox and now Google Chrome. However, support for Firefox and Chrome is still limited and only possible in QTP 11. 

10. QTP license cost is quite high.

Functional Testing Boundary Value Testing – Equivalence Class Testing

Agenda :
Boundary Value Testing
         Boundary Value Analysis
           Generalizing Boundary Value Analysis
         Limitations of Boundary Value Analysis
                                                        Robustness Testing
                                                        Worst Case Testing
                                                        Special Value Testing  
                                                                Test Cases for the Triangle Problem
                                Test Cases for the NextDate Problem
                                Test Cases for the Commission Problem
                                Guidelines for Boundary value Testing    ........
Equivalence Class Testing

Equivalence Classes
·         Weak Equivalence Class Testing
·         Strong Equivalence Class Testing
·         Traditional Equivalence Class Testing
Equivalence Class Test Cases for the Triangle Problem
Equivalence Class Test Cases for the NextDate Function
Equivalence Class Test Cases for the Commission Problem
Guidelines and Observations

Boundary Value Analysis:

   ·Basic idea: use input variable values at their minimum (min), just above the minimum (min+), a nominal value (nom), just below their maximum (max-), and at their maximum (max)

“Single fault” assumption in reliability theory: failures are only rarely the result of the simultaneous occurrence of two (or more) faults.
·         The boundary value analysis test cases are obtained by holding the values of all but one variable at their nominal values, and letting that variable assume its extreme values

Boundary value analysis works well when the program to be tested is a function of several independent variables that represent bounded physical quantities

e.g. NextDate test cases are inadequate (little stress on February, dependencies among month, day, and year)
e.g. variables refer to physical quantities, such as temperature, air speed, load etc.
Equivalence Classes

       Have a sense of complete testing
       Avoid redundancy

Equivalence classes form a partition of a set, where partition refers to a collection of mutually disjoint subsets whose union is the entire set (completeness, non-redundancy)
The idea is to identify test cases by using one element from each equivalence class
“treated the same” → “traversing the same execution path”
The key is the choice of the equivalence relation that determines the classes
Defines equivalence classes in terms of validity  
Commission problem
Valid inputs: 1 ≤ lock ≤ 70, 1 ≤ stock ≤ 80,             1 ≤ barrel ≤ 90
Invalid inputs: lock < 1, lock > 70, stock < 1,         stock > 80, barrel < 1, barrel > 90

For valid inputs, use one value from each valid class (like weak equivalence testing)
For invalid inputs, a test case will have one invalid value and the remaining values will all be valid (single failure)

Monday, 20 May 2013

Functional Testing Defects

·         Run Time Errors
  1. Page Not found Error
  2. Display of Blank page
  3. Occurrence of Script errors
  4. Occurrence of SQL Exceptions
  5. Occurrence of Internal Server Error
  6. Memory Leakage Error
 ·         Validation Checking
  1. Null values / spaces being accepted for Mandatory fields
  2. Incorrect date validations
  3. Incorrect validation for numeric fields
  4. Incorrect validations for currency fields
  5. Accepting Special Characters.
·         Database
Two types of errors that may occur in web application
  1. Data Integrity : Missing or wrong data in table
  2. Output Errors : Errors In writing ,editing or reading operation in the table
·         Data Invariant
  1. Missing display of fields
  2. Incorrect display of fields
·         Logical Errors
  1. Incorrect calculations
  2. Incorrect display of data
·         Cookies
  1. Check for the cookies that has to be enabled and how it has to be expired
·         Link Testing
  1. All Hyperlinks
  2. All Internal links
  3. All External links
  4. All mail links
  5. Check for orphan pages
  6. Check for Broken Links
·         Forms
  1. All Field Level Checks
  2. All Field Level Validations
  3. Functionality of create, modify, delete and view
  4. Handling of wrong inputs
  5. Default values if any (Standard)
  6. Optional Vs Mandatory Fields
·         Web Indexing
Depending on how the site is designed using Meta tags, frames, HTML syntax, dynamically created pages, passwords or different languages, our site will be searchable in different ways
  1. Meta Tags
  2. Frames
  3. HTML syntax